Season 5: The May Rock & Alternative ROTM - Jack White - Fear of the Dawn
Whether or not you are a member of Blind Tiger Record Club, the B.T.R.C. Podcast is a great way to get introduced to some new artists and discover some albums that you may not be familiar with. All the music in our subscription program and that we discuss on this show are on vinyl and have been released or reissued in the last 30 - 60 days. The show is designed to be a discovery platform for new music "on vinyl", but even if you do not collect or listen to vinyl, it's still a fun way to explore new music.
*The Blind Tiger Record Club Podcast is sponsored by 85 Supply. Go to 85supply.com or email info@85supply.com to get started. For 5% off of your first order, simply mention "Blind Tiger Record Club" via email or over the phone with your rep. Its that simple.
- Hosts: David W. Williams and Kevin Lee
- Executive Producer - David W. Williams
- A Blind Tiger Entertainment, LLC Production
- This episode was edited and mixed by the team at Sound On Studios
- Theme song written and produced by Jasen Rauch
For more information on becoming a member of the Blind Tiger Record Club, shopping the thousands of titles in the record store, or listening to previous episodes of the podcast, go to BlindTigerRecordClub.com.