Season 4: The Forty Five - The Blind Tiger Record Club's Best Vinyl of 2021, Pt.1
This is part one of a two part episode where we countdown the Top 20 Best Vinyl of 2021. The albums are picked by a panel that consists of B.T.R.C. Staff, guest panelists, artists, and producers. Pt. 1 is a podcast only episode. We count down in descending order albums #20 - #11 and we are joined by Warren Bazemore of the Americana duo Finnegan Bell. Pt. 2 was both a podcast and Blind Tiger Record Club On Air (Lightning 100 in Nashville, TN, 100.1 FM / lightning100.com/blindtiger) episode. We count down in descending order albums #10 through #1 and we are joined by singer songwriter Thad Cockrell.
All twenty albums are discussed on the two episodes; each with song examples and performance notes. It's a great way to catch up on any albums you may have missed that were released over the last year.
Here are the albums included on this episode of the Blind Tiger Record Club Podcast:
The Wallflowers - Exit Wounds